One Year Anniversary of the LA Teacher’s Strike

16 Jan



Normally an ASL interpreter is not supposed to post photos on social media when she is on the job due to our code of ethics and the most important part of our profession, confidentiality. We’re also never supposed to self promote- as our job is about our Deaf consumers and the Deaf community that we serve as a bridge of communication for. However, in this case I will make an exception and share this story, as this is such a unique situation.

1 year ago I was fortunate enough to have been a small part of the largest teacher’s strike in US history here in Los Angeles. Between 30 and 50 thousand courageous, driven, principled people were in the streets of LA in the pouring rain for 6 days. They were fighting for the rights of LA Public School Students and demanding dignity and respect for those who educate them.

UTLA, the LA teachers union was committed to equal access to communication for the Deaf educators on strike and for the Deaf parents, students, and community members affected by the strike (some numbers show that nearly one million Deaf and Hard of Hearing people live in Southern California, many of them in LA County). By the end of the 6th day, we were all like family and I really feel honored to have been treated like a fellow family member.

All of the passionate Deaf educators at Marlton School and across the district were so wonderful to work with. A few other ASL interpreters worked with me during the strike including Jamila Cantor-Guerrero, Allie Kauling, Jann Goldsby. They were all wonderful team interpreters and deserve acknowlegement. Sign Language Company Interpreting agency also deserves acknowledgement for their fine work.

I’m a CODA (Child of a Deaf Adult), and it was such an honor to serve Deaf Educators during their historic strike. I was so humbled by all of the courage, passion, and commitment I witnessed during the strike. It was a truly life changing experience. I grew up with a Deaf mom, a single mother who was a public high school teacher. As a part time public school teacher, my mom often struggled making ends meet when my siblings and I were growing up. This made the strike personal for me, it really resonated. I really do have so much love for all of you teachers here in Los Angeles and am so grateful to have served you during your strike in my small way. Big hugs to everyone and happy 1 year anniversary! – Los Angeles, California Jan 15th 2020



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